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14 Day Weather Forecast

Thu 3 October, 08:10PM

Likely Snow
Snow Level
Thu 3 October
Sunny morning. Mostly sunny afternoon. NW winds tending N'ly Min: 2° Max: 13°
Prob of Precip: 30%
Likely Snow: <2cm
Snow Level:1400
Visiblity: Fair
Fri 4 October
Mostly cloudy. Rain periods. Fresh N'ly winds Min: 4° Max: 9°
Prob of Precip: 90%
Likely Snow: Nil
Snow Level:1600
Visiblity: Good
Sat 5 October
Mostly cloudy. Possible shower. Fresh NW winds Min: 4° Max: 7°
Prob of Precip: 90%
Likely Snow: Nil
Snow Level:
Visiblity: Good
Sun 6 October
Mostly cloudy. Showers. Strong NW winds Min: 1° Max: 5°
Prob of Precip: 90%
Likely Snow: <2cm
Snow Level:1700
Visiblity: Poor
Mon 7 October
Mostly cloudy. Rain at times. Strong NW winds Min: 2° Max: 7°
Prob of Precip: 90%
Likely Snow: <2cm
Snow Level:1700
Visiblity: Poor
Tue 8 October
Mostly sunny. S'ly winds Min: -2° Max: 5°
Prob of Precip: 5%
Likely Snow: Nil
Snow Level:
Visiblity: Excellent
Wed 9 October
Mostly sunny. NW winds Min: -3° Max: 11°
Prob of Precip: 5%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Thu 10 October
Partly cloudy. Rain developing. Strong NW winds Min: 3° Max: 11°
Prob of Precip: 70%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Fri 11 October
Partly cloudy. Snowfalls clearing. Fresh SW winds Min: -1° Max: 8°
Prob of Precip: 50%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Sat 12 October
Partly cloudy. Possible shower. SW winds Min: -1° Max: 10°
Prob of Precip: 60%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Sun 13 October
Mostly cloudy. Rain periods. NW winds Min: 1° Max: 10°
Prob of Precip: 90%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Mon 14 October
Mostly cloudy. Rain. Fresh NW winds Min: 3° Max: 11°
Prob of Precip: 90%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Tue 15 October
Mostly cloudy. Showers. Fresh N/NW winds Min: 4° Max: 10°
Prob of Precip: 80%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Wed 16 October
Mostly cloudy. Showers. Fresh NW winds Min: 3° Max: 10°
Prob of Precip: 80%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level: